Against Corporal punishment
Japanese version is here.
- A Position Paper of the Society for Adolescent Medecine(Alta Vista)
- Corporal punishment is an ineffective method of discipline and has major reactive effects on the physical and mental health of those inflicted.
- Physically punishing children has never been shown to enhance moral character development, increase the student's respect for teachers or other authority figures in general, intensify the teacher's control. in class, or even protect the teacher.
- A student may cease acting up in one class only to continue in others. Such an individual learns the wrong message, one of avoidance or escape of getting caught or negative ways of eluding detection for wrong doing.
- This student adopts techniques which actually lead to reduced selfcontrol, with futile behavior characterized by more acting up, school absence, malingering, recidvism, and overt academic revocation.
- Alternatives to Corporal Punishment
An important technique in maintaining control is to develop a milieu of effective communication, in which the teacher displays an attitude of respect for the students.
- School officials can exhibit cordiality to students and an attitude that they generally enjoy working with children in the academic setting. Students must be taught in an enviornment that clearly states they are valued and understood. The emphasis is on positive educational exchanges between teachers and students, not futile, contentious, winlose contests.
- School need to have in-school suspension facilities, which avoid the use of large classroom sizes.
- A survey report in 1989 noted 61% of 1250 questioned adults disapproved of corporal punishment in schools, versus 51% in 1968.
- We oppose the use of corporal punishment in Tennessee schools.
- We assist educators with the implementation of alternative methods of discipline in schools.
- Schoolviolence and corporal punishment(Lycos) Mr.GREEN MATHEW
- Corporal punishment is a violent response to violence. Again, based on my understanding of the resarch, corporal punishment is not administered fairly. A school that allows teachers or administrators to spank or hit children some sort of rod also removes much of the general protection for children against unwarranted teacher or administrator abuse. By the time adults are moved to turn to a corporal form of punishment, they are usually stressed, upset at a student's actions, and pushed to their limits of
- Our cars, our schools, our neighborhood grocery store are all places that no longer seem safe to Americans. This has triggered, in my view, a desire to return to a somewhat mythical bucolic past of community values and adult control. Schools can mirror society and our correctional system. Note the introduction of metal detectors and security guards, locker searches and security through architectural design. These approaches do indeed recall prisons, and now airports and sports events. The desire to return to more authoritarian forms of punishment does mirror our society's fervor for mandatory sentencing, concealed weapons permits, the death penalty, and even caning. I do seriously oppose corporal punishment, and have been broadly outlining a number of successful attributes of violence prevention programs, of which there are many, but which need serious assessment.
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