* Against corporal punishment
* Present circumstances of corporal punishment
* Alternative
* Comments & Public Poll
I will pick up some key points from the next documents.
1 Agreement
Policies governing the administration of corporal punishment.
- Public School of North Carolina(Alta Vista)
North Carolina law reqires that each local board of education adopt policies governing the administration
of corporal punishment. This legislation lists the minimum components to be included in a local policy.
The local board may consider expansion of reqirements to ensure that any exercise of corporal
punishment will not be excessive.
- GSBA Legislative Position(Alta Vista)
GSBA opposes legislation which will mandate the elimination of corporal punishment in the local system.
- Pennsylvania Code 12.5 Corporal punishment(Alta Vista)
- Authorized by, and in accordance with policies and guidelines.
- Where corporal punishment is authorized, school authorities shall notify all parents of this policy. Corporal
punishment may not be administered to a child whose parents have notified school authorities that such
disciplinary method is prohibited.
- Reasonable force may still be used:
- To quell a disturbance.
- To obtain possession of weapons or other dangerous objects.
- For the purpose of self defense.
- For the protection of persons or property.
- Corporal punishment should never be administered in the heat of anger.
- No disciplinary action should exceed in degree the seriousness of the offense.
- Students shall not be reqired to remove clothing when being punished.
Opinion of parents
- Gender and Discipline(The Open Text)
I have been practicing phsycian for 15 years, including a pediatric internship.
I have seen a lot of child abuse. Corporl punishment , appropriately utilized, is not child abuse. Those who
assert otherwise are the real fringe element. Most male perpetrators of abuse are the male companions
of single or divorced mothers boyfriends, family members, and stepfathers.
- Comments on the Sudy of Corporal Punishment(Alta Vista)
- In all fairness, there are other ways to discipline for certain undesired behaviors. However, when it comes
down to a situation of outright defiance,the best thing for that child is a good spanking administered with
love, patience and understanding.
Unfortunately, some parents and educators forgot that love and understanding must be applied along
with corporal punishment or any type of discipline. It must be remembered that discipline and love are not
opposites but that one is functioning with the other. In other words, corporal punishment must involve
letting the child know what has been done wrong and why the punishment is necessary, not just beating
the child in hopes that he will understand. Dr.Dobson comes to these conclusions not through empirical
research but through years of experience as a teacher and parent.