School type / Nuber & Rate | Number | Rate, Male : Femal | Rate, Public : Private |
kindergarten | 106,067 | 6 : 94 | 24 : 76 |
Elementary school | 407,598 | 38 : 62 | 99 : 1 |
Junir high school | 257,605 | 59 : 41 | 95 : 5 |
Senior high school | 269,027 | 74 : 26 | 77 : 23 |
Middle education school | 124 | 31 : 69 | 100 : 0 |
School for the blind, deaf & weak | 57,547 | 43 : 57 | 100 : 0 |
Total | 1097,968 |
(Note) The investigation as of May 1, 2001 By the "Board of Education Monthly Report" edit. 2001
( Some others ) ●Full-time teachers of Universities.....152,572 ( Male: 131,102 Female: 21,467)
Junior colleges...... 15,636 ( Male: 8,661 Female:6,975)
Technical colleges...4,467 & Special trainig schools...38,163
2. Number of school students in Japan
Elementary school .... 7296,921
Junior high school .... 3991,911
Senior high school .... 4061,761
Total .........................15350,593
(Note) The investigation as of May 1, 2001 By the above-memtioned
( Some others)
●Rate of entering Elementary schools ..... 99.98 % Rate of entering Junior high schools.... 99.98 %
Rate of going on Senior high schools from junior high.......................... 96.9 %
Rate of going on Universities & Junior colleges from senior high ...... 45.1 %
●Students who graduate from junior high schools and get jobs soon..... 1 % ( in all graduates from the schools)
Students who graduate from senior high schools and get jobs soon... 18.4 % ( in all gaduates from the schools)
3. Teachers unions in Japan ● Nikyoso ( Japan Teachers Uinon) & 4 organizations
Union members...................... 567,656
Non-union members...............495,816
Total ( Full-time teachers)...1063,472 ● Rate of organizations... 51.9 %
As of May 1, 2001
By the "Board of Education, Monthly Report
(Comment) There is not a closed shop nor an agency shop union, but an open shop system ruled
by the National Law in Japan.
4. Number of students per class ( like a class size)
Elementary school ......... 26.95. Computers in Japanese Schools Year:2000
Junior high school ...........32.1
Senior high school ........No document
(Source) As the same above-mentioned.
(Comment) However, the number are a little different from "class size", for as of including
head-teachers of instruction and some other chief teachers in the schools are
there. By the national law, the class size is 40 students, and there are less than
40 in some school districts, ruled by the local governments.
● Schools of setting up ....................................99.3 %6. Corporal punishment by teachers Poll of parents' opinions
● Number a school (average)......................... 28.4
● Schools connected with Internet................57.4 %
● Teachers being able to operate...................66.1 %
● However, teachers being able to teach .....31.8 %
(Source) As the same above-mentioned.
1. According to circumstances, corporal punishment by the teacher
is permitted to some degree.................................................................... 52.2%
2. Corporal punishment is necessary for a good discipline ................ 17.0 %
3. In any case, corporal punishment by the teacher is not
permitted....................................................................................................... 25.6 %
4. Others ........................................................................................................... 3.5 %
5. No answers ................................................................................................ 5.4 %
( Source: All Japan PTA Conference & Asahi Shinbun, August 21, 1996 )
(Comment) The School Education Law states that " Principals and teachers will administer
punishment to students, but shall not administrate corporal punishment to them ".
However,the opinions of parents are the above-mentioned, and the decision of the
Tokyo Higher Court is asumed to be the same as the following : In April 1, 1983,
"... using a little power to some degree by the teacher is not always prohibited by
the Law, therefore, we have to consider the case carefully whether it is illegal or not."
Return to ..... School Violence, Bullying, Long-term Absence and Withdrawal etc.