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U Concerns to school violence V Concerns to teacher employment W Concerns to educational problems |
Shoji Sugita | 23. E-mail で質疑・応答 |
August 15, 1945 I heard the broadcast to recognize the Potsdam Declaration by the late-Emperor Showa
at a military camp at a camping ground at the foot of Asama-yama Mountain. I knew Japan acknowledged
In September that year I came back to my house in Toyama that was burned by the air-attack of the U.S
After that I have worked very hard every day like the Japanese of the same generation and also have more
or less been devoted to Re-construction of Japan.
Now I am already 73 years old and a retired man, so I think I will enjoy the last time of my life, but also I
sometimes consider about Japan's future: opened Japan. That is the reason why I wanted to get my home
page on WWWs about three years ago. After that I often sent the following message to a lot of engine
servers on WWWs and schools, organizations, mass medias and so forth.
Shoji Sugita home page; http://www.aba.ne.jp/~sugita/
Corporal punishment, Teacher's conference, Teacher dismissals,
Japanese religious mind, Japanese history, Japanese Orders
decorations, Quebec, Examination for service of teacher's.
School search and seizure, Japan in the future,
As you know,Japanese usually take a lot of documents from
the world wide webs, but give a few ones to the world.
It's not good on international problems, so I intended
to submit some documents to the world. Thank you.
Shoji Sugita(杉田 荘治)
As you know, concerns to Internet, there are a lot of messages, sometimes questions & answers using1. Concerns to corporal punishment
E-mails. Here I will describe some of mine.
1. How is the differientation between corporal punishment and discipline in Japan ?
........................................................................................................................... From a Canadian K.K..... December 1998
Q. I have witnessed twice corporal punishment in a small Japanese school in Hyogo. How is the
...differientation between corporal punishment and discipline in Japan ?.
A. In Japanese schools corporal punishment is illegal and discipline of students is legal for educators,
but in fact the different points are difficult. Please read my article about it as No. 2 on my site carefully.
And also, I will show the Guideline as follows:
○ Guideline ruled by The Ministry of Justice,
1.To injure the students, including spanking and kicking, is prohibited
2.To cause serious physical pain to the students is prohibited corporal punishment. However discipline,
appropriately utilized , is not considered corporal punishment. With regard to disciplinary measures,
the most important considerations are the age and maturity of the students, and the place, time and
seriousness of the offence.
We should decide using our own discretion whether it is prohibited corporal punishment or not.
3.Detention after school is not considered corporal punishment, but is a legal disciplinary measure.
The length of the detention is at the discretion of the teacher.
4.Not letting students go to the washroom or not letting them eat meals shall be considered corporal
5.To use force to quell a disturbance in the classroom shall not be considered corporal
6.Students may be compelled to perform certain services, such as cleaning or extra work for some
〇 Guidebook edited by the Meeting for the Study of Instruction, Ministry of Education.
As the teachers are in the position of parents or guardians of the students, they shall be permitted to
strike a student lightly as punishment.
The reason being that this kind of punishment is usually administered by the parent or the guardian.
Teachers shallbe permitted to administer such punishment, even if the force infringes the body of
the students.
Such force is considered to be necessary for the students proper control and effective in education,
namely what they call "affectionate rod" or "loving patting".
Of course, teachers should esteem the student's rights with the sound discretion of the school
administrators. They should try to avoid using such force as much as possible, for they may infringe
the body of the students, even though they are administering what might be considered an
"affectionate rod" or "loving pat"
〇 Sugita's article
To use force to quell a disturbance shall not be considered illegal corporal
punishment, and for the protection of person or property is the same.
In Japan, I think, some people misunderstand about it, so they need to learn the
Pennsylvanir Code and some other regulation of it.
( A part of K's Question )
I would like to ask your opinion on the differientation between taibatsu and chokai. I am a ALT in a small
school in Hyogo on my second year and have witnessed twice what would fall under Japan's version of
Corporal punishment. ... My principal and BOE chairman is throwing this chokai thing back at me.
2. How does the Guidebook come into wide use in Japan ?
.............................................................................................. Japanese student K. ......... September 1998
Q. We, including me, are members of the Consultation Club of Legal Problems of T. University. We were
going to open a virtual court of corporal punishment at our Academic Festivals and found your site of it
on WWWs.
And I read the Guidebook edited by the Meeting for the Study of Instruction in your page, so I would like
to ask you how the Guidebook has come into wide use in Japanese schools.
( Note) The Guidebook : aboved mentioned as 1
A. Please ask to the staff of the Meeting, but in my teaching experience it has not come into so wide use.
3. A opinion of corporal punishment
..............................................D.F. in Michigan, ....... August 1998
Q. In Michigan it is against state Department of Education policy to administer corporal punishment in a
public school. Instead we use "time out" ( isolation ) frequently, either sending the student out of the
classroom or giving him (her) a day or two in a separate room....... .
A. It's a good way for the students' discipline. There are such Alternative ways on my site, too.
( Note ) .Alternatives
The desire is to promote positive citizenship and a constructive school environment. Parents will be
notified regarding discipline, such as the following, which may be employed to achieve desired
behavioral results. In addition, when further remediation is required, the Pupil Personnel Services
will be included.
Discipline is first sought through the teacher-student relationship developed in the classroom
situation. Early parental involvement is an important element of the disciplinary process. A strong
effort will be made to contact and work with parents prior to final and most serious disciplinary action.
Board Policy 935.02
It is the policy of the Board of Education that physically administered corporal punishment will not be
permitted. However, students may be compelled to perform service (e.g., cleaning) as appropriate
punishment for certain offenses.
4. My experience in Seoul
........................... American E. G. ..... July 1998
Q. I have a special interest in this area because I was a high school exchange student from the USA to
Soul, Koera in 1966-67. While in high school in Seoul, corporal punishment was a daily issue. In fact,
I was hit after a few months when I was no longer a special guest. At one point, I became so infuriated
when a teacher hit a student with a large stick on the student's back ( not buttocks ). I complained to
the principal about possible permanent damage to the student's spine. I never saw that again after that.
A. I read your message. We shall be so carefull, whenever we have to administer disciplinary action to
the students.
5. Comments of Shoji Sugita's Article
........................... American Q.L. ..... July 1998
Q. Thank you for the web site ! Your research on corporal punishment in the U.S. and Japan is wonderful
6. Utilization of a teaching materials
........................... C.C. in Washington, ...... July 1998
Q. I was interested in your views on punishment. I teach 8th grade U.S. History and do some assignment
on our laws. Your information will be given to my students next year.
7. Utilization of study materials
.......................... T.Y. in Nagoya, ........ July 1998
Q. I found your site on WWWs and evaluated it as a valuable study, so I would like to use it as a study
material in our school. Recently you know, we have a lot of problems - Bullying, Non-attendance of
schools, Collapse of classroom, Corporal punishemt, in any Japanese schools, so it would be so
usefull for us to use.
8. A opinion of corporal punishmet
.......................... American J. ......... July 1998
Q. Caning might be necessary sometimes. Especially for boys, spanking on the bottom should work.
Little boys have to learn to be men. If they fail to, they might end up being homosexual. They really need
for older males to facilitate reinforcement to know what is the accepted behaviour. There are always
some boys who have to learn it the hard way.
A. It's surely an influential opinon, but also we shall be so carefull to administer corporal punishemt.
9. Advice of administered corporal punishment
............................ Japanese teacher,........ September 1998
Q. I am a senior high school teacher, and a few days ago, I pulled down a student from his seat
when he refused to go to the classroom in regular time. After that he told his parents that he had
been administered corporal punishment by me.
My principal told me I should apologize to them about my action, but I think my action had been
rightful for the teacher.
Then the student submitted a medical certificate of mental problem as being caused by my action.
I would like to get any advice from you.
A. You have to report your action to the principal, vice-principal and counselor of students' discipline
issues exactly, and also admit your poor behavior at that time. I hope you get a better conclusion of
continue to ..... U Concerns to school violence, V Educational problems