John Graybill さんのページ

( Note ) Mr. John W. Graybill was born in America in the eastern state of Pennsylvania on June 18,1931.
.......... His father was a farmer and they lived on the farm till he was 16 years old. Then went to special
.......... trade school and learned how to become a carpenter. Also went to special carpenter University
.......... to become a teacher of the building trade. Taught school for three years.
Then God called him to become a missionary to Japan so quit teaching school and went to seminary
( Shin-gakko ) in preparation for our future life as missionary in Japan.
Arrived in Kobe, Japan on August 19th, 1957 and spent two years in Kobe language school.
Later three years in Yamaguchi-ken as missionary, nineteen years in Tokyo, seventeen years as
missionary in Nagoya, and till present, seven years in Osaka.
He is married to Lucille, who is an excellent wife, have five grown children, thirteen grandchildren
and one great grandchild.
Why did I qit being a high school teacher in America to become a
Christian Missionary in Japan ?
I love teaching and being a carpenter teacher was great, but the number of such teachers are many
in America. However, the number of missionaries in Japan are very few. So the number of skilled
workers in the American school system and the number of Christian missionaries in Japan is much
different. I like to help where there is a need.
Secondly, as a christian, I have a strong belief that Jesus Crist is the One and Only True God and
that as a believer in Him. I must use all the strength and power I have to share the love and of Jesus
and the meaning of the cross to the many Japanese who do not know Him.
My wife and I have now spent 42 years as missionaries in Japan and have had a very happy time
teaching the Bible to many Japanese friends. True, many have not become believers in Jesus Christ,
but a good number have, and they are now happy followers of the Lord Jesus.
The greatest joy a missionary can have is to lead a Japanese to believe the Bible message of Jesus
coming to earth 2.000 years ago as a baby, grew to be a man, healed many sick folk, helped the poor,
and later died on the cross as the substitue for our sins, died, buried, and the third day he rose from
the dead and is alive forever more.
This story of Jesus love must be told to many Japanese who are seeking for truth. They will find it in
Jesus who alone can meet their needs and who can forgive their sin and give them real meaning to
..On July 26, 1999. Contribution ........ Access counts ( 1999. 7. 26 ) 47.783
[ 註 ] ジョン・グレイビルさんは、1931年 6月 18日、アメリカ東部 ・ ペンシルバニア州で生まれられた。 彼の
お父さんは農業をやっておられ、グレイビルさんも 16才まで、そこにおられたが、その後、職業学校に入り
大工となるべく勉強された。 さらにその後、建築関係の職業につくための大学に進まれたが、[ 神は自分を
日本で牧師になるように召された。] と自覚し神学校に入り勉学された。
1957年 8月 19日に日本の神戸に着き、語学学校で 二年間、学んだ後、山口県に 3年、東京に 19年、名古
屋で 17年間、牧師として勤め、その後、今日まで大阪に 7年間、住んでおられる。
グレイビルさんはルーシィルさんと結婚されたが、彼女は非常に優れた伴侶であり、二人の間には 5人の
子どもさんと 13人のお孫さん、1人のひ孫さんがおられる。
私は何故、アメリカの高校の先生を辞めて日本での牧師になったか ?
私は教えることが好きで、また大工の先生になることは素晴らしいことだと思っています。 しかしアメリカで
はそのような先生は沢山いますが、日本における牧師になる人は非常に少くないと思います。 両者の数の
います。 私は、このことを、まだよく知らない日本の人たちに知ってもらい神とイエスの愛、十字の真の意
私の妻と私は日本で牧師として 42年間、勤めましたが、その間、多くの日本の友達に聖書を教えることがで